
Preparing Documents for SignRequest

This will show you how to add the required fields for a Document which is not currently in the system.

Once you have created your document, you can add the Tags details below.

Tags need to start with [[ and end with ]]. The tag data is separated by a pipe |. The first letter of the tag represents the tag type and must be one of the following:

  • t for text
  • d for date
  • s for signature
  • c for a checkbox placeholder


[[s|0]] # A signature for the signer OR the owner/sender when they need to sign.

[[c|0]] # A checkbox placeholder

[[d|0]] # A date input placeholder

[[t|0]] # A text input placeholder

Once you have added the tags to your document, change the Font, Size and colour. This should be Arial, 20px and the colour should match the background colour of your document.

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