To Switch from List View to Form View or Vice Versa
- Click the List/Form icon in the top right hand corner
- List/Form view will be displayed
Jobs - List View
Jobs - List View contains Companies by Unique Job Ref, Job Title, Company, Hiring Manager, Location, Date Opened, Type, Progress, Status and Consultant.
Sorting Lists
You can sort the list by any field displayed in List View.
To sort a list:
- Click on the field heading at the top of the column
Jobs - Form View
Form view always contains the company name, industry type, primary contact, telephone and address information for the company at the top.
Form View consists of different tabs of information. The tabs are displayed halfway down the job record.
The Details Tab
This tab contains job title, job type, industry type details, company information and hiring manager information.
The Info and Docs Tab
This tab contains the job spec and any additional documents to be stored against the job
The Skills Tab
This tab contains the skills logged against the job
The Comms Tab
This tab contains all emails, letters, phone calls, notes, faxes or SMS text messages that have been created for the job from within the database.
The Matched CVs Tab
This tab shows any candidates that match the criteria for the job shown on the right hand side
The Longlist Tab
This tab lists the candidates that have been added to the longlist for the job
The Job Activities Tab
This tab lists all the job activities that have been created for the job
The Placements Tab
This tab lists all the placements and contracts that have been created for the job
The Timesheets Tab
This tab lists all the timesheets that have been created for the job
The Invoices Tab
This tab lists all the invoices that have been created for the job
The Expenses Tab
This tab lists the expenses created for the job
The Dashboard Tab
This tab shows the history of activity and searches saved which are linked to the job and also timelines for certain job activities for the job
The Broadbean Tab
This tab contains the Broadbean details for the job
The Research Tab
This tab contains details of any potential contacts who may become HRS records