Details View
To Switch to Details View
1. Click the Candidates button at the top of the screen
2. Select Details from the submenu
Adding Candidates
To Add a New Candidate using a CV to Parse
1. Click the Candidate button at the top of the screen
2. In the dropdown menu, select New
3. Click Yes
4. Locate the candidate’s CV select it in the Insert File dialogue box
5. Click the Insert button
6. Click the appropriate button to tell the database what type of document it is
7. Tags that have been added automatically appear in the left hand list
8. You can add any other tags using the + at the end of the tags in the right hand list
9. Click Continue
You are then taken into the record that HRS Connect has created
Tagging Candidates
To Tag a Candidate
1. Go to the Info & Tags tab
2. Click the + button at the end of the Tags window on the right hand side
3. Select the appropriate tags to add by clicking on the icon at the end of the tag name
4. Enter part of the tag name in the search field at the top and press Enter to filter
5. Click outside the tag list
Adding Documents
To Add a Document to a Candidate's Record
1. On the Docs & CV Text tab, click the + button at the end of the Documents area
2. Find the document to be added
3. Select Other
NOTE: Select the Type in the Type dropdown field
Processing Documents
Documents in the database can be processed by:
Extracting CV Text - the text contained within the document will be copied and pasted into the CV Text field
Extracting and Tag - the text contained within the document will be copied and pasted into the CV Text field and tags will be added to the candidate’s record
Parse Document - Parse a document from within the database
To process a document from within the database
1. Find the document to process on the Docs & CV Text tab
2. Click the process document icon at the end of the document name to process
3. Select either Extract CV Text, Extract and Tag or Parse Document
Opening Documents
To Open a Document
Documents in the database can be opened
1. Find the document to open on the Docs & CV Text tab
2. Click the arrow to the left of the document name to open
3. Select the location to save the file
4. Click Save
The file will open in the application it was created in
Note: If you make any changes to the document once opened, you need to do a File…Save As to save the file and then add it back into the database using the + on the Docs & CV Text tab
Searching Candidates
To Search Candidates
1. Press CTRL F on the keyboard
2. Type the criteria into the fields to search on (criteria can be entered into fields on any tab)
3. Press Enter on the keyboard
At the bottom of the screen on the left, it displays how many records found
To search using more than one piece of criteria using OR
4. Press Ctrl F on the keyboard
5. Enter criteria into the first field
6. From the Requests menu at the top of the screen, choose Add New Request
7. In the new blank record, add any further criteria
8. Press Enter
Longlisting & Shortlisting
To add a Candidate to a Longlist/Shortlist for a Job
1. Click the Longlist/Shortlist tab within the Candidate's record
2. Click the + on the right hand side
3. Type in part of the job title to add
4. Click the icon at the end of the job record to add the Candidate to the longlist/shortlist