To Switch from List View to Form View or Vice Versa
- Click the List/Form icon in the top right hand corner
- List/Form view will be displayed
People - List View
People - List View contains People by Unique ID, First Name, Last Name, Position, Company, Phone, Salary, City, Email address, Original CV stored and Exclusion from Mail Merges.
Sorting Lists
You can sort the list by any field displayed in List View.
To sort a list:
- Click on the field heading at the top of the column
People - Form View - Candidates
Form view always displays the name, address, employer, telephone and email address information for the person at the top.
Form View consists of different tabs of information. The tabs are displayed halfway down the person’s record
The Details Tab
This tab contains personal, address, current employer, job type sought, salary details and social media links.
The Notes & Refs Tab
This tab contains Consultant Notes and Reference information.
The CV & Docs Tab
This tab contains a copy of the person’s Original CV in the CV Text window, storage areas for the original CV and formatted CV and storage space for other document in the bottom right hand list.
The Skills Tab
This tab contains the skills sets for the person
The Company Tab
This tab contains the contact's company information and related companies information
The Comms Tab
This tab contains all emails, letters, phone calls, notes, faxes or SMS text messages that have been created for the person from within the database. It also shows the date when the person was last contacted
The Job Activities Tab
This tab contains a log of every Job Activity created for the person
The Longlist Tab
This tab contains a list of jobs for which the person has been added to the longlist
The Interviews Tab
This tab contains all Interviews created for the person
The Network Tab
This tab contains networking groups to which the person belongs
The Employment History Tab
This tab lists companies for which the person has previously worked (this is automatically populated from the CV parsing)
The Events Tab
This tab contains appointments and To Dos for the person
The Timesheets Tab
This tab contains timesheets created for the person
The Matched Jobs Tab
This tab lists any jobs on the database which the person matches using the criteria listed on the right hand side
The Custom Tab
This tab allows you to bring through custom categories and fields that are set up in the Admin section of the database by clicking the green +. These fields can then be populated using yes/no, a ranking number, a text value and notes.
The LinkedIn Tab
This tab shows you a live preview of the person’s LinkedIn profile and highlights any fields on the right hand side that differ from the details on the person’s record.
The Holiday Pay Tab
This tab show you details of the candidates Holiday pay.
People - Form View - Clients
Form view always displays the name, address, company, telephone and email address information for the person at the top.
Form View consists of different tabs of information. The tabs are displayed halfway down the person’s record
The Details Tab
This tab contains contact details, address, position, colleges, social media links and a communications summary.
The Documents Tab
This tab contains a copy of any documents and storage space for other document in the bottom right hand list.
The Company Tab
This tab contains the contact's company information and related companies information
The Comms Tab
This tab contains all emails, letters, phone calls, notes, faxes or SMS text messages that have been created for the person from within the database. It also shows the date when the person was last contacted
The Job Activities Tab
This tab contains a log of every Job Activity created for the person
The Jobs Tab
This tab contains a list of jobs for which the person is the hiring manager
The Interviews Tab
This tab contains all Interviews created that the person is involved in
The Network Tab
This tab contains colleagues and networking groups to which the person belongs
The Events Tab
This tab contains appointments and To Dos for the person