To Switch from List View to Form View or Vice Versa
- Click the List/Form icon in the top right hand corner
- List/Form view will be displayed
Companies - List View
Companies - List View contains Companies by Unique ID, Company Name, Distance (from searched postcode), Switchboard phone number, Identifier, Main Contact, Industry, Nature of Business, and Exclusion from Mail Merges.
Sorting Lists
You can sort the list by any field displayed in List View.
To sort a list:
- Click on the field heading at the top of the column
Companies - Form View
Form view always contains the company name, industry type, primary contact, telephone and address information for the company at the top.
Form View consists of different tabs of information. The tabs are displayed halfway down the company’s record
The Details Tab
This tab contains contact details, company information and address information.
The Contacts Tab
This tab contains contacts for the company and the primary contact
The Information Tab
This tab contains company profile, invoice details and any other additional information.
The Docs Tab
This tab contains any documents stored against the company’s record
The Skills Tab
This tab contains the skills logged against the company
The Comms Tab
This tab contains all emails, letters, phone calls, notes, faxes or SMS text messages that have been created for the company from within the database. It also shows the date when the company was last contacted
The Appointments Tab
This tab contains a log of appointments created for any contact of the company
The Jobs Tab
This tab contains a list of jobs linked to the company
The Job Activities Tab
This tab contains all job activities linked to the company
The Timesheets Tab
This tab contains all timesheets created which are linked to the company
The Groups Tab
This tab lists the group(s) that the company belongs to, showing companies that also belong to the same group(s) and their respective associated contacts
The To Dos Tab
This tab contains To Dos linked to the company
The History Tab
This tab contains people who have been placed at the company
The Research Tab
This tab contains details of any contacts who may become clients
The Pay Grades Tab
This tab contains the pay grades and salary information
The Sales Ledger Tab
This tab contains details of invoices and a summary of credits and debits