
Adding a New Discipline, Subdiscipline or Skill in the Admin Area

To Access the Skills in Admin

  1. From the Home Screen, click Admin
  2. Click 'Back Office Links'
  3. Click 'Skills'
To Access the Skills in Admin

This brings up a list of all Skills

Click the green + to add a New Discipline, Subdiscipline or Skill

Adding a Discilpine

For the Disciplines to work in the customised Scrips, they need to be named here with the Prefix 'Disc-'

- Enter the prefix and the name of your skill

Adding a Discilpine
  1. Select the Group type as - 'Discipline'
  2. Type the Name of the Discipline here

Adding a Subdiscipline

For the Disciplines to work in the customised Scrips, they need to be named here with the Prefix 'Disc-'

- Enter the prefix and the name of your skill

Adding a Subdiscipline
  1. Select the Group type as - 'Subdiscipline'
  2. Select any Disciplines that this Subdiscipline is in

Adding a Skill

Enter the Name of the Skill

Adding a Skill
  1. Select the Group 'Skill'
  2. Add Any Disciplines that this skill will be in.
  3. Add any variants of the skill name (for autoskilling)
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