
Mail Merging

A Mail Merge is a communication sent to more than one person.

To Create a Mail Mege

  • Create a list of people to Mail Merge by using a Search and/or the Omit Records feature
  • Click the Functions…. button at the top of the screen
  • Select Mail merge
  • Click New
  • Click Yes if you wish to included people marked as excluded from mail merges (last column in list view), otherwise click No
  • Click Continue
  • The Mail Merge popup window will open
  1. Select the type of mail merge from the Mail Merge type drop down list
  2. If it is an eShot, check on the Yes checkbox (this will then populate the eShot date field with today’s date on the person’s Comms tab)

If the mail merge is linked to a job... (If not, skip to next step)

If the mail merge is linked to a job... (If not, skip to next step)
  1. Click the Job info tab and select a job to link it to
  2. Click to view the Jobs List and select the required job

If files need to be attached... (If not, skip to next step)

If files need to be attached... (If not, skip to next step)
  • Click the Links and Attachments tab
  • Click the + in other attachments then select the files to attach

Add a Template or Body Text

Add a Template or Body Text
  1. Click the Body and Setup Tab
  2. Select a Template to use from the Choose Template dropdown field

Note:  By default any email mail merges will be sent to the home email address.

To change an email address to Work/Home

  • Click the Recipients Tab
  1. Click on the word Work in red to change to Home or vice versa
  2. Note:  Any record coloured red indicates they do not have an email address stored against their record.  
  3. To change all the records in one go, click the Home button next to the Destination field at the bottom of the list.

To delete a contact from the Mail Merge

To delete a contact from the Mail Merge
  • Click the grey cross at the end of the record

To send the Mail Merge

To send the Mail Merge
  • Click the Send button at the top of the window

If emailing, the following dialogue box will appear:

  • Click Continue

Note:  All contacts in the list will be sent separate emails

  • Click Yes or No as appropriate to create a To Do
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