We are excited to announce the release of HRS Connect v1.3. This is now available through the Support Team, the upgrade is a bit more complex as we have taken the opportunity to move from FileMaker Pro 13 to FileMaker Pro 14. This requires us to change the installed software on your machine as well as the update to your database.
To book in a time for your upgrade please email support@gethrs.com and they will be happy to arrange a suitable date and time.
Below is a list of the features and improvements.
New Features:
- Customisable Import Module
Import Company, Candidate or Contact data from any Excel spreadsheet, as long as the validation is met you have the opportunity to import your own data and repeat the process with a template of the mapping.
- Postcode Radius Search
Use postcodes to find candidates within a certain radius of your chosen postcode, you can further filter this list as well as still see the actual distance between the two locations based on a transport method.
- Action Lists and Scheduling
Create lists of Companies, Candidates, Contacts or Jobs, set them up as an Action List and tie them to a To Do, allowing you to have a time sensitive call or action list that can be worked through. The Stats page also has an area for you to review this list so you can focus on what needs to be done.
- Dynamic Reports, Allowing Users to Build Any Number of Reports with Numerous Options
Report on any one of the 12 main tables in HRS Connect, add up to ten columns of data per report, with multiple field options for any of the columns, then sort and filter the data. You can export the data (depending on permissions) in CSV, XLSX or XML format allowing you to merge your data in Excel or other reporting tools to give the end user any number of options and ways to report on their data.
- Web Access for Clients to Log into HRS Connect and Review Open Jobs
We now provide a free Vendor Management System (Client Portal) so that you can allow your clients to login and review the progress of jobs as well as create new jobs directly into your system. This is the first release of a whole new area of HRS Connect, where we expect to deliver more functionality over the course of 2016. The client facing website is highly customisable from with HRS Connect so that you can match the client experience to your business style and branding.
- Formatted CV Creation in Microsoft Word
As well as the existing PDF formatted CVs that we have had a huge success with, we now offer even more options. You can now build your own Microsoft Word template, add the merge tags from HRS Connect and them upload this as your template (or multiple templates). Once this is done you can create formatted Word CVs and then adjust with Microsoft Word before automatically saving them back into HRS Connect ready for sending.
- Addition of Multiple New Records to Existing Lists
There is the opportunity to create a new list of records and then choose to add them to an existing list, this can be done for any existing list of the same record type (Company, Candidate, Contact or Job) and will highlight if any of the new records already exist in the list preventing you from duplicating the entry.
- Added Workflow Statuses
New Workflow statuses of Candidate Rejected and Candidate Withdrew, adding more flexibility and traceability to your candidate processing, in addition to the pre-existing notes field on each Workflow entry to record more specific data.
- Shortlist and Longlist Notes and Progress
We have added the option to add a Progress of your choice (from an admin value list) to any Short or Long List entry, this adds more clarity to what you may like to record at this stage. We have also provided a notes field to added further information if required.
- Bulk SMS and Updated SMS Sending with IceTrak
Using our SMS sending partner, Icetrak, you can now Bulk SMS to a list of records, we have changed the way we send SMS and you require a PIN from Icetrak in order to use this service. The benefits are that sending is much faster and therefor less intrusive on your work within the system.
- Dashboard Popovers to Show Records that Support the Values
The popovers will show a list of records and will allow navigation to that area to review the record. This makes it easier for you to breakdown the values and understand the metrics.
- Auto Tagging Update
Since HRS Connect allows you to continually grow your tag database, we have experienced a situation where CVs that were uploaded earlier may not have been tagged with any new tags. There is now the function in the Admin area that allows you to auto tag all existing Candidates with CV Text and any missing tags will be automatically added to that Candidate.
- Updated Distance Calculations and Mapping Options
We now use MapBox to deliver a themed map experience to our users, these maps have more information and are clearer when identifying start and end locations as well as seeing a 3km radius of any business or person address.
- Updates to Support Running in 64bit
The upgrade to FileMaker Pro 14 has enabled us to run the database at 64-bit with new plugins, this has delivered a speed improvement for any local processing.
- Updated Email Synchronisation
In order to minimise the email syncing process, we have integrated with Nylas to provide email automation, this means we can setup your email accounts much easier, we can also integrate with Exchange as well as IMAP and best of all the syncing is now much faster and can be partially automated depending on user preference.
- New Candidate Fields
We have added additional fields to candidate records to store Education and Qualifications data, these will be populated when parsing CVs, LinkedIn or Social Sourcer profiles as well as allow the addition of the information to your formatted CVs.
- Popovers to Review Certain Fields in a Bigger Area
We have provided the ability to review certain text fields in a larger popover for easier review and editing.
- Improved searching in Candidates Area
Addition search fields and options.
- Additional Tags for Email Templates
These cover company, contact and job information.
- Search on Created and Modified Date
The created by, created date, modified by and modified data can now be searched across companies, candidates, contacts and jobs.