
To Do's

Your To Dos on the Home Page is a list of things for you To Do. These are displayed in chronological order showing the topic, due date, company, main and linked contacts, priority, a complete check box that you can use to complete your To Dos and a trash can.

Clicking on the black arrow to the left of the To Do will open the To Do in Form View.

The To Dos list can be filtered between To Dos and Call List. Call list are To Dos that have been entered with a category of Call List. To Dos are entered with a category of Business or Personal.

To Add a To Do

To Add a To Do

1. Click on the green + symbol in the top right hand corner of the To Do list

2. Fill in a subject and change any dropdown fields as appropriate

3. Click in the Category field and select Call List if you want the To Do to appear on the Call List filter or Business or Personal if you want it to appear in the To Dos filter.

4. Change the Due Date field to the due date required

5. Click the Send to Outlook/iCal Calendar checkbox for the To Do to appear in your Outlook or iCal Calendar and enter a start and end time

6. Click the Create Outlook/iCal Reminder checkbox to set up a reminder with a reminder time

7. Click on the Links tab to link the To Do to companies and/or people

8. Click the Close button

NOTE: If you select the category Call List when creating a To Do, the To Do will appear on the Call List filter. Checking the Show To All Consultants checkbox will make the To Do visible when Communal To Dos is selected in the drop down field in the top right hand corner. You can only view other consultants’ To Dos if you have the necessary privilege.

To Complete or Delete a To Do

To Complete or Delete a To Do

To Complete a To Do

9. In your To Dos list, click the Complete checkbox

To Delete a To Do

10. Click the Trash icon at the end of the To Do record

Click Delete

Communal To Dos

Communal To Dos

In the To Do form, checking the Show To All Consultants checkbox will make the To Do visible when Communal To Dos is selected in the drop down field in the top right hand corner

To View Communal To Dos

11. Click the dropdown arrow in the top right hand corner of the To Dos tab and select 'Communal To Dos'

NOTE: You can view other consultants’ To Dos using the dropdown field only if you have the necessary privilege

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