

List & Details View

To Switch to List View or Details View

1. Click the Companies button at the top of the screen

2. Select List or Details from the submenu

Sorting Records

To sort records in List view

1. Click the Sort arrow buttons next to the column field heading to sort

2. Select the arrow depending on whether you want it ascending alphabetical or descending alphabetical 

The list will now be sorted by the column chosen

Flagging Company Records

To flag records individually to show

1. Check on the Flag checkboxes for the records to show

2. Click the Flag Options submenu

3. Choose Find Flagged

4. Select whether to find All records that have been flagged or just records that you have flagged

Records that you have flagged will be listed

To flag all records in one go

1. From the Flag Options submenu, select Flag All

2. All the records showing in List View will be flagged on

To unflag all records

1. From the Flag Options submenu, select Clear All

All the flagged records will be unflagged


2. Uncheck the flag checkboxes for individual records

To multi-flag a group of records

  1. Flag the record at the top of your list of records to flag
  2. Hold down Shift on the keyboard while you flag the record at the bottom of your list

Saving Lists

Saving Lists of Company Records

Saving Company Lists

1. Compile the list of records to save first by way of a search or by using the flagging feature

2. Click the List Functions submenu

3. Select Save List

4. Select whether to save all the records in the list or just ones that you have flagged

5. Enter a title for the list

6. Click OK

7. Click Continue

Loading Company Lists

Loading Company Lists

To Restore a Saved List of Companies

1. In List View…click the List Functions submenu

2. Select Load Saved List

3. Click on the arrow to the left of the list to restore

The records will be restored back into List View

Bulk Importing Company Records

Training Videos:

Data can be imported into HRS Connect into the companies and contacts/candidates area using your own source data. The top fields displayed for primary ID for the Company/Contact/Candidate are required for an import to take place. A consultant ID is also required for an import to take place.


1. In Companies list view, click List Functions

2. Click Bulk Import

3. In the Import screen click the + button just above the recent imports

4. Enter in an import reference name

5. Press the OK button

6. Select the option to import Company (Or Contact if importing contact data)

7. Select Yes to import source data

8. The fields for import will be displayed on the left and show a field number. On the far right the database fields are displayed available for import. Under the Map You Fields column, select the relevant field numbers from the left data headers that match the field names on the right.

9. Should you have many fields to import, use the up and down arrow in the top right of the screen to navigate on the pop up window

10. Once the data is mapped, click the Validate Mapping button. This will highlight in pink anything to be aware of and check. For example, the CompanyID field must NOT have a conflicting ID with one that currently exists in the database. Also date fields must contain dates (DD/MM/YYY) rather than text.

11. Once validation is complete it will ask if you wish to Import the data now. Click Import

12. Once the data has been successfully imported it will display a message. Click OK. This will then take you back to the Recent Imports screen where you latest import will be displayed.

Export Records

Export Records

1. Click List Functions

2. Click Export Records

This will export all the records currently displayed in the found set with the fields shown on screen.

To perform a Postcode Radius Search

  1. Click the Radius Search button
  2. Enter the postcode and miles/kms radius
  3. Click the Radius button
  4. Select Find to perform the radius search on all company records in the database or Constrain to only perform the radius search on the current list of company records
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