List View

To Switch to List View or Details View
1. Click the Contacts button at the top of the screen
2. Select List or Details from the submenu
Sorting Records

To sort records in List view
1. Click the Sort arrows next to the column headings to sort by
2. Click the appropriate arrows for either Ascending or Descending
The list will now be sorted by the column chosen
Flagging Contact Records
To flag records individually
1. Check on the Flag checkboxes for the records to show
2. Click the Flag Options submenu
3. Choose Find Flagged
4. Select whether to find All records that have been flagged or just records that you have flagged
Records that you have flagged will be listed
To flag all records in one go
1. From the Flag Options submenu, select Flag All
2. All the records showing in List View will be flagged on
To unflag records
1. From the Flag Options submenu, select Clear All
All the flagged records will be unflagged
2. Uncheck the flag checkboxes for individual records
Saving Lists of Contact Records

1. Compile the list of records to save first by way of a search or by using the flagging feature
2. Click the List Functions submenu
3. Select Save List
4. Select whether to save all the records in the list or just ones that you have flagged
5. Enter a title for the list
6. Click OK
7. Click Continue
To Restore a Saved List of Contact Records

1. In List View…click the List Functions submenu
2. Select Load Saved List
3. You can change the consultant name to view either yours or another consultants lists
4. Select the list type
5. Select the list category
6. Select the list from the arrow on the left
7. Click continue to go straight into that list in list view
8. Click the checkbox under the Action column will allow you to create an action for To Do
9. Clicking the MailChimp checkbox will allow you to
To add Contact records to an Existing Saved List

- Find the additional records to add to an existing saved list
- From List Functions select Add to list
- Select Flagged or All records in your list to add
- Select the list to add the new records to
- Click Add Records
- Click Close
MailChimp List

10. Fill out all the fields to create your MailChimp list from your saved list
11. Once complete press Close
12. Providing the Email Addresses are valid it will then create the list which you can later use for a MailChimp campaign via HRS Connect
Bulk Email

Bulk Emails can be sent to a maximum of 20 contacts at a time. For sending to more than 20 contacts, please refer to the MailChimp integration article

Bulk Emails can be sent to a maximum of 20 contacts at a time. For sending to more than 20 contacts, please refer to the MailChimp integration article.
1. In Contacts list View click List Functions
2. Select Bulk Email
3. Select a template by clicking the arrow to the left of the template. This will highlight the template in green
4. Click Continue
5. You template will have already been completed from the template but you have the opportunity to amend any of the emails for each contact
6. If you wish to send to ALL contacts in one go click the Send All button
7. To send to an individual contact one at a time click the Send button next to the relevant contact
Find Duplicates

1. In contact List View click List Functions
2. Click Find Duplicates
3. Contacts AND Candidate records are displayed for the duplicate reconciliation. Press OK to this message
4. Click the Resolve button to the right of a contact that is a duplicate. This will take you to the Duplicate Resolution screen
5. Ensure the correct record you wish to keep is marked as master which will be the left record in green. If a different record needs to be the master record to keep then click the Make Master button which will move this to the right and highlight it in green
6. You can merge data from the duplicate contacts into the master by clicking the arrow next to the relevant fields you wish to move across
7. Once complete, click the trash can icon against the contacts you wish to delete
Sending a MailChimp Campaign

Before proceeding please ensure the MailChimp API has been entered in Admin > Settings > MailChimp > Enter API Key > Check Connection.
1. In Contact list view click List Functions
2. Click MailChimp
3. Enter a name for the campaign
4. Press OK
5. Press OK
6. Select a MailChimp
7. Press Continue
8. Select a template to use
9. Click Continue
10. Click on the relevant tag on the right to edit the content
11. Edit the content of the tag and click out the the popover to commit the change
12. Press Continue
13. View the campaign and if happy press Send. If further changes need to be made click the Back button
Bulk SMS

1. In contacts list view click List Functions
2. Click Bulk SMS
3. Press OK
4. Enter a message to send out for SMS
5. Press Send
6. Press OK