
Candidates - Social Sourcer

Setting up Job Boards

Setting up job boards
  1. Go to Admin....Settings.....Candidate Sourcing
  2. Add the required job boards by checking on the Use checkbox and selecting whether it is an agency account or consultant account
  3. Enter the username
  4. Click the Authenticate button
  5. Enter the password for that job board and click OK

Using the Candidate Sourcer

  1. Go to Candidates....Candidate Sourcer
  2. Select the job board(s) you wish to search using the checkboxes
  3. Enter any criteria
  4. Click Search
Candidate sourcer

The search results will be listed

  1. Click the More details button to view more info on the candidate
  2. Click the Download OFF button on the right of the candidate(s) to download
  3. When ready to download selected candidates, click the Download Flagged button
  4. A notification will show once the download of candidate(s) has finished
Candidate sourcer results
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