

Running Reports

Running Reports

Reports can be run by Managers and Administrators but not Consultants - there are 4 reports to choose from

To run a Report

1. Select the Admin button at the top of the screen

2. Select Reports from the dropdown menu

3. Select the Report to run on the left hand side

4. Select the Consultant(s) to report on in the Filter by Consultant list

5. Select a start and end date to report on in the Date Filter area

6. Select any other options that appear for that report

7. Click the Run Report button to see the report

8. Click the Print button at the top to print the report

9. Click the Report options button at the top to change the filter date and re-run the report

Note:  The Preview button will show a preview of what the report will look like but is not reporting on real data

Training Videos:

31. Reports

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