The Backoffice is where invoices and placements are managed
Creating Invoices
To Invoice a Placement
1. Click the Admin button at the top
2. Select Backoffice from the submenu
3. Select the Placements tab on the left hand side
4. Click the arrow to the left of the placement to invoice
4. Edit any fields as necessary - make sure the fixed fee or % fee fields are populated
5. Click the Create Invoice button in the bottom right hand corner
6. Click Yes to review the invoice
Emailing Invoices
To Email an Invoice
1. Click the Email Invoice button in the bottom right hand corner
2. Edit the email as necessary
3. The invoice is automatically attached to the email as a .pdf
4. Click the Send button to send the invoice
Printing Invoices
To Print an Invoice
1. Click the Print Invoice button in the bottom right hand corner
2. Enter any bank detail or notes as necessary
3. Click the Print button
Changing Invoice Currencies
To Change the Currency of an Invoice
In the Invoice window
1. Click the Currency Details button on the menu bar at the top
2. In the Currency field, select the currency to use
3. Click outside the window to close and update