
Adding Skills Manually

Click The Green '+' to add Skills Manually

  1. Select your Discipline on the left
  2. This brings up the Subdisciplines (based on the selection at the top)

Flag your subdisciplines

  1. Click to select 'Skills'
  2. Flag the Skills
  3. When ready, click 'Add Selected Skills'

You will see the Disciplines, Subdisciplines and Skills have been added.

You can sort these by Group by clicking on the column header?

To Add additional Skills:

Click the Green '+' again

  1. Flag your new Disciplines

This will display the relevant Subdisciplines/Skills on the right.

Flag you Subdisciplines

To Add additional Skills:
  1. Click Skill (top Right)
  2. Flag your skills
  3. When ready, click to Add these Skills
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