Follow up option for a company or company contact direct from the record, without having to revert to the calendar.
Tim Hallam Just starting out on HRS Connect and I totally agree with Amit - this I would say should be a fundamental part of any database CRM. It is very clumsy having to then go to a calendar to book a follow-up call which in my view is ntaural progression from making contact. Will be great to see that change/addition.
Mark Mathews Thanks for your input, we have assessed this request and as yet it has not been planned, this is primarily due to the time constraints that we have within each release cycle of HRS Connect as well as the established road-map of features that we have planned for this product. It may still be a feature in a future release and we will update you with any information at that time. We hope you will enjoy the new features that have made it into the next release of HRS Connect that will be announced soon.
Mark Mathews This feature has been planned and will be delivered as part of the version 1.2 release. The date of this release will be confirmed in the near future.
Mark Mathews This has been delivered with version 1.2 release.